On "Toxic Masculinity" and how to argue with women

Literally all of this can be avoided by just not dating hardcore radical feminists.

Yes, feminists with gender studies degrees say stupid shit. And they probably hate men, or a lesbians, or both. Why else would they do a gender studies degree?

And all this theory isn't done by the average gender studies grad, it's done by the ones who went on to get a PhD in feminism. So they were the ones with the most convincing (if still bullshit) "logic", who actually want to spend the best years of their life doing a PdD in feminism.

Is this really representative of stuff that normal women, even ones who are slightly feminist, actually believe?

As for "toxic masculinity", it's a tautology. "Bad masculinity" is bad. Wow, pog fucking champ. But unless they can point out what masculinity is good, and what masculinity is bad, then they're just talking a load of trivial bullshit.

If some otherwise sane woman wants to talk about toxic masculinity, here's where I'd go.

Point out that it's partly about magnitude. No-one wants a helpless guy. No-one wants a guy who never asks for help. There's a middle ground.

Point out that no-one can agree what's bad, and what's good. Stoicism? Chivalry? Confidence? Assertiveness (which is essentially the same trait as aggression).

Point out that it depends on the situation. If someone is aggressive in a "good" way it's "assertive". If someone is assertive in a "bad" way it's "aggressive". And whether it's good or bad is a judgement call.

So they think "Some factors of masculinity are bad if taken too far, but we aren't sure which, and it's kind of context dependent, and it depends on your moral framework, but definitely we should do something about it".

/r/TheRedPill Thread