Once again, we need to talk about NOT pre-ordering video games...

I use to pre-order games all the time! I use to get special perks - like a free vinyl figure, mousepads, artbooks, lithographs, etc. I know perks still occur like this, but the games themselves are NOT worth the extra goodies. $59 I expect a complete game. I expect quality, and if I don't, then the company does NOT earn my money. period. I don't care what you throw at me, I want the game. I'm paying for the game. If a game has quirks when it is released (stuff happens), but if it is constant and effects the occurring gameplay, then no.

I feel like this cycle goes around in the gaming subs. DO NOT PRE-ORDER - then - THIS GAME LOOKS FANTASTIC DEFINITELY DAY ONE BUY! Then everyone gets hooked and pre-orders because they don't want to miss out, and yeah, you're screwed if it's bad. Majority of today's games, they're not great and are being released broken and unfinished.

The only way this affects the gaming company is to NOT BUY THE GAME.

But tomorrow the gaming community will be attached to another game and pre-order that.

/r/pcmasterrace Thread Link - i.imgur.com