A Catholic School in Omaha, Nebraska is planning to fire their speech teacher because he is gay. The students started a petition against this. Please sign and support equality.

Assuming you are responding in good faith, though it goes against my better judgment ...

As to your first point, which completely ignores my argument, there are plenty of celibate people in the world. And they live happy, normal lives.

Because it is a logical fallacy to extrapolate this, which I would think is evident unless you're just outright trolling or aren't thinking rationally. That is, you cannot say: Some people live happily as being celibate, therefore all people are happy being celibate. Given the clear, documented, scientific reality that this represents a small minority of people, and that celibacy is not a moral choice for a majority of people who suffer very real drawbacks to the isolation from physical and sexual intimacy given the harm it causes, it's a flawed point so inherently fragile nobody could buy into it unless they, themselves, had been subject to some sort of conditioning and believed, on some level, they were broken or, alternatively, asexual.

As to your second point, you did exactly what I asked you not to do: feign offense to avoid the point being made. The point was merely, even if something were necessary for happiness, if that thing were immoral, one wouldn't suddenly be justified in doing that thing.

  1. Does your arrogance really known no bounds? You don't get to decide what other people find offensive. I'm not feigning anything. I think your position is as revolting as people like George Wallace. I think you have somehow deluded yourself into thinking you're making some fine, nuanced distinction when the practical consequences of your position does real damage to real people. You demonstrate zero justification for celibacy other than someone believing intimacy between the same gender is immoral but can't, actually, demonstrate any source of immorality.

Murder? Someone dies. Theft? Someone is deprived of property. Pedophilia? A child is raped. Lying? A reputation is destroyed. False scales? Resources are taken unjustly and the family is deprived of their livelihood.

Gay? .... Nothing. You have nothing other than "someone told me it was immoral". It cannot withstand scrutiny. It is a prejudice without foundation. The idea that some 16 year old boy should have to be alone for the rest of his life, or marry a woman, because of some vague sense of immorality that cannot be defined, that cannot be defended, that offers no demonstration of harm, is entirely barbaric. It's as misguided and foolish as the pagans sacrificing their infants to Moloch or our ancestors worshipping the moon.

I really have a hard time believing you're not trolling because if you aren't, it's heartbreaking someone could be so convinced by others that a perfectly normal part of themselves is somehow dirty or undesirable. It's just ... I can't even find the words. Intellectually, I know it's part of brain wiring. You tell a child something, they grow up believing Zeus really is king of the Gods and will kill you if you doubt it but to see it here, in a civilized country, in 2015, for something so basic and good as who you love is ... I just feel sadness for you. Really. A deep, profound sadness that somebody could be so lost.

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