Hey guys, chill out.

I appreciate what you're saying, but you are mistaking this for some kind of sudden undeserved angry outburst. This game has been out for two and a half years and is still abysmal in multiple areas, areas that have been highlighted countless times both here and directly to developers by pro players.

Suppose I have loud, very annoying dripping water in my room that I asked my Dad (who is a plumber) to fix. I ask him to have a look at it (politely) every day for 12 months, then for 6 months I become increasingly annoyed, asking him more intently every single day. Then for the last 3 months I say "DAD FIX THE FUCKING WATER" because I myself have no way of doing it, and he has been completely ignoring my request for months and months. He hasn't even acknowledged me, and carries on fixing bits and bobs around the house that nobody even cares about, often actively making the thing he is "fixing" worse.

Watching this, would you seriously begrudge me for losing my temper after so long? No, of course not... The analogy is clearly different from the true situation but in reality the comparison stands. These issues have existed for months and months... And Valve just leave them there. Completely ignore them. So no, although I agree that screaming in caps "VOLVO FIX OMG" we have had enough polite little notices that have been kicked under the doormat by Valve to be justified in losing our temper when issues as fucking trivial as a STILL OP TEC-9, post processing being forced on, the continuing lack of a crosshair like the one in 1.6, and dozens of other issues I can't even be bothered to list.

Sorry, but it's no use taking 6 months to fix overpowered weaponry then ruining other guns then acting surprised when your fanbase are still pissed at the outstanding issues that actually matter.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread