One Day...

[–]spajn 0 points 2 hours ago*  I mean content as something to do in the game. Say you own all the ships and not interested in exploring the galaxy, what then? you cant create anything, you cant own spacestations, you cant create corporations or own any assets and you cant interact with other players in anyway except pvp... hell you cant even exit your ship. Yeah i know i know "you will in time!!" Im getting tired of all games these days being shit but always the promise that eventually the game will be decent. Not to mention the only PVE there is are conflict zones and USS which are very predicatable when you figure out the system and conflict zones are just never ending respawning AI ships. When you see what the PVE really is it makes you realize how simple and rushed the entire game is. The only thing that is truly impressive with ED is the galaxy scale and the exploring part but that is not everyones cup of tee. If you understand how p2p work it will impact the connection if one person have a bad computer with low fps since his game will run slower and the connection is set up between clients with no server which means everyone's game will lag to keep everyone in sync with the slowest computer. oh and starcitizen will have real servers. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply

formatting helpreddiquette save [–]ArmyDude956Malcolm Geordie 0 points an hour ago  Im getting tired of all games these days being shit but always the promise that eventually the game will be decent. You just described Star Citizen. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]spajn 1 point an hour ago  the game is not out yet, you except a game to be good before its out? permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ArmyDude956Malcolm Geordie 0 points an hour ago  It's Star Citizen 1.1. Not a single obvious mention of it being incomplete on their offical site, either. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]spajn 1 point an hour ago  It is not commercially released, if you want to get into wordplay just watch 10 for the chairman on their official site for a mention of it. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ArmyDude956Malcolm Geordie 1 point an hour ago  If it's not released, it's pretty stupid to call it Star Citizen 1.0. It's really shady and misleading, honestly. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Low-Tech 1 point an hour ago  It's Alpha carefully permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply continue this thread [–]spajn 1 point an hour ago  All major future improvements to ED will come with expansions... ED will be a mighty expensive game before it even comes near SC level of content. Right now ED is a empty galaxy with USS and conflict zones which are at the level of a intern could have made them.... the missions are repetitive and broken most of the time.. i dont think they could make the missions any worse than they currently are even if they tried, i mean how could they be any worse? ED promised me a openworld sandbox game but i got a early 90's spacesim with modern graphics... that is shady... most of the cool stuff frontier talked about in their pitch videos was ofcourse saved for future expansions for us to pay again for. Honestly i felt ripped off when i realised the early alpha build was gonna be the live version.. the alpha was more or less feature complete apparently. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply continue this thread

Star Citizen sounds like a different animal to me man, but I could go for more PvE diversity and some quality story content to interact with more incidentally. Plus being able to fly a cruiser with other, smaller pilots in it would be awesome. Set up shop in n00b space with a little orbital station and collect income while you explore the stars.

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