Is OP unreasonable for asking his roommate to have sex less loudly when his younger siblings are over?

(this was the exhibitionist and her poor doormat partner)

The next set of neighbors moved in a couple weeks after that crazy drug-addled bitch moved out, and almost instantly the problems began. The last tenant was at least entertaining. This couple made my life a nightmare for months until I got them to move out. The male half of the couple seemed like a friendly but dimwitted guy. The woman...she was a fucking nutcase. I'm positive she has BPD. She reminds me a lot of the girl who threw a pint glass at my sister, lol.

So, like the last two couples, these guys fought constantly. It was louder and more frequent than the fighting of the last two, though. They also had ridiculously loud sex to the point where I could hear the bitch panting. She smoked cigs pretty frequently in the doorway (after frequently being told not to), so unfortunately I had to encounter her pretty often. She was always dressed in sweatpants and had a greasy sheen to her. She was nice enough whenever I talked to her, but when I addressed the noise issue, she said something like 'we'll try to be quiet' with a smirk and fucked even more loudly following this. I could hear almost every word of their fights, and by god was she a piece of work.

She doesn't have a job and lives off the guy's and her father's dime. She also does coke with strange men on the guy's dime while he's out working. And she's a cheater. Oh, and of course she has an alcohol problem to the point where the guy had to ban it from the house. And her mother's a cokehead. And she hits him.

After my antics with the first couple, I didn't want to be an asshole, plus I was afraid of what this bitch would do to me, but after a couple of months I started to crack. I tried to think of ways where I could get them to leave without getting my ass kicked, such as sending resources for abused partners, but there really didn't seem to be a good solution. Lucky for me, the solution came for me. One morning, I awoke to the sweet sound of fighting as per usual, but this time it was really bad. The guy seemed tired of her shit and was standing up for himself for once. Many interesting lines were said, such as "I would rather put myself into the ground than let you flounce around doing coke on my dime like your father". This fight went on for about a half hour, until the guy said the one phrase that she didn't want to hear.

"You're just like your mother."

The bitch flew into a rage. Usually the fights consisted of the guy berating her and the bitch acting disaffected, but now she was shouting at the top of her lungs at him. And then she hit him. I prayed to the gods who clearly hate me for this lucky break and called the cops. They arrived, talked to the two, and left without much consequence.

Unfortunately, the pair didn't leave after that, though they were much quieter and I rarely saw the miserable cunt around. This wasn't good enough for me. One day, one of my other neighbors and one of the few people in the house that is tolerable was gardening, so we struck up a chat. The couple's front window was wide open, and I knew that only the guy was home. So, the conversation turned to gossip about the house, and I talked about the abuse incident loudly enough for the guy to hear us. My neighbor exclaimed "she hit him?", further increasing the humiliation. The couple was gone the next week. The bitch left literally all of her belongings there for the next resident to clean up, for whatever reason. Apparently the place was disgusting.

Luckily the only good neighbor I've had moved in afterwards. I can hear her sing and talk, but she's actually normal, and it's a welcome change after a year of turmoil.

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