Opinion | Gen X is used to flying under the radar. That’ll end if it goes full GOP.

As people get older, they tend to get more conservative. Holding on to the past, not jumping at every new trend, etc. So it doesn't surprise me that our gen is inching that way as it ages up. It reminds of the the Boomers when they went from protesting wars and free love to banning music and ginning up the military industrial complex to record levels. The hippies became yuppies and I don't think we're immune to some of that. (on average)

For me personally, The parties are fucked but Americans won't budge. At this point, I've lived a pretty good life on the former glory of this country and that well is pretty dry.

Oh well, at least if the bombs fall and I somehow survive, at least I'll get to see people with zero coping mechanisms get killed on the street by marauding raiders and war lords. So the apocalypse won't be ALL bad. I mean, we're all gonna die but the first couple of rounds might have a few laughs on long the way.

/r/GenX Thread Link - ashingtonpost.com