[Opinion]/[Misc] Spiked Online: "We shouldn't write off an entire generation over the actions of a few." Attempts to make the case for why calling Millennials "snowflakes" is undeserved.

IMO, it's just kind of demeaning to generalize an entire generation as pampered little brats who can't stand having anything bad happen to them because of the rise of SJWs. There are plenty of Millennials who have had very tough lives. Just like any other generation, there are Millennials who are poor, disabled, or have otherwise had to struggle a lot and to act like we've all lived life on Very Easy Mode is dishonest. Millennials entered the workforce in the shittiest economy since the Great Depression, for example. It's hugely unfair to judge Millennials as snowflakes based on well-off liberal arts students that happen to yell louder than the rest of us. A lot of us are annoyed with them too and it's not our responsibility to make them shut up just because we were born during the same arbitrary timeframe.

"Non-snowflakes wouldn't care about being called snowflakes" is a little misguided too. You can care about being insulted and demeaned (especially for something that isn't your fault and you don't take part in) without being a snowflake. If, for example, you worked 40 hours a week to put yourself through college and still managed to maintain a 4.0 anyways, you probably wouldn't like it if everyone you meet sneered at you and called you a spoiled trust-fund baby just because you had a college education.

Lumping everyone in with the SJWs just frustrates and alienates the Millennials who actually value hard work and merit the most, because it makes their efforts seem unnoticed and futile. It's not fair to demonize me because SJWs exist - just like it's not fair for SJWs to demonize all men because male rapists exist.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Parent Link - spiked-online.com