Opinions on Scrawny to Brawny?

It's a four phase program designed specifically for naturally skinny guys; 'ectomorphs,' 'hard gainers,' whatever you wanna call it - guys with long narrow bone structures and high metabolism, but they cover nutrition and stretching and everything else too. Honestly it is a lot of info for a layperson like me to try and summarize but as far as the program itself, it's something like:

PHASE ONE (2-4 weeks, ABA, BAB, ABA, BAB) (Custom based off prior strength / flexibility / bone length measurements)


(Custom dynamic stretching, done before every workout)

Unilateral deadlift 3x6-8 (each leg)

Swiss Ball Leg Curls 2x6-8

Low Cable Abduction 2x8-10

Prone Rows 3x8-10

Bench Press with Scapular Retraction 2x6-10

Airplanes 2x10-12

Unanchored Sit-ups 2x8-10


Reverse Push-ups 3x6-8

Cuban Presses 2x8-10

Reverse Flys 2x8-10

Unilateral Romanian Deadlift 3x6-8 (each leg)

Split Squats 2x8-10 (each leg)

Swiss Ball Back Extensions 2x8-10

Planks 2x30-45 sec



(Dynamic stretching before every workout)

Barbell Front Squat 5x5

Incline Bench Press 5x5

Bulgarian Split Squat 2x6-8

One arm Row (elbow out) 2x6-8


Chin-up (add weight if necessary) 5x5

Hang Clean & Press 5x5

Cable Pull-Throughs 2x6-8

Weighted sit-ups 2x6-8


Elevated Trap Bar Deadlift 5x5

Dips 5x5

Cable Rows 2x6-8

Reverse Hypers 2x6-8

There's two other phases; I can post if anyone's interested.

It's a bummer nobody here is familiar but I'd recommend the book, it has a lot of great info about proper form, nutrition, diet, supplementary HIIT workouts, and more. I never signed up for any of the shit on the website so I can't speak to that.

I was about 6'4" 170 when I started the program; in three months I put on 30 lbs (granted not all muscle, I definitely did not have good abs) but I can't credit the program entirely for that as it was mostly diet, just gorging myself.

I was working out on and off for years but just recently got back into training seriously.I've been doing the above program for six weeks with weekly vinyasa yoga thrown in and have gained 20 lbs. Currently I weigh 210 lbs but still think I look scrawny as a motherfucker. Phase Three switches the focus from muscle building to strength building so that's where you usually see the big gains; my bench / squat / deadlift are nothing to write home about right now.

So IMO it's definitely legit but I still have some concerns...

Anyway, great sub glad I found it, not sure why my post was down voted though.

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