Do other races of men have it much better?

Sure, just in my small town in England:

Jessica: Product of a WMAF coupling. Started slutting around at the early age of 17, progressively got into activities such as pole dancing and slutting around some more. Very public with her adoration for the average white guy. Very showgirl/whoreish with her social media pictures, regularly looks trashed and drugged up. Full of piercings.

Rebecca: Product of a WMAF coupling. University whore for any white cock. Very obvious and very embarrassing courting of any white male she saw as half-valuable. E.g. the football player or the medical student. Imagine and male white knight being very overt towards a female and you will understand her tactics... there was no tact, no class. Ignored any trace of minorities or her own race, she kept one token black female friend to not seem racist.

Jason: WMAF product. He got shunned by both the Chinese in our local community and the white people because he was also fucking weird. No self-esteem, no social skills. Blames his Asian side for his problems by insulting Asians in his social media posts. He has no support network because neither Asians or whites really see him as one of their own. Then again, everyone knows his mother and how she goes to the restaurants and acts like a typical arrogant white trash with her husband, acting all 100% white and shit. If you are a hapa kid, better pray you don't have mental/confidence issues... you just won't have the support structure that pure Asians or pure Whites do.

I mean, even with a media whore like Dannie Riel (Asian father from Hong Kong, Canadian French mother) , at least she shows a lot of interest and respect to the Asian side and has a good respect for her father and heritage. And also, she sees Asian males as just normal dating material, as human beings. AMWF kids just tend to be better brought up like that. Because hey, with many of these pairings the Asian male has to be a strong character to overcome prejudices especially 15-20 years ago.

With WMAF couples, the Dad is often one who wants a weak submissive and can't find that with a white girl, and the Mum is most often a self hater or just a whore. Just an unhealthy basis to any relationship and family.

/r/AsianMasculinity Thread