This title sounds so inappropriate, but I don't know any other way to say prostitute passed away

TL;DR - Don't try to put some glamorous title on yourself. You aren't an unsung hero, you're just an asshole trying to convince himself and others that you are a shitty person because you're truthful, but you aren't. You're shitty because you're shitty, and you made shit choices with you life, and are a waste of carbon.

Who the fuck am I to comment on OP's post? The same thing as you- a redditor with the ability to comment.

Didn't say you couldn't comment on the site, but you have no business commenting on their relationship, because you aren't part of it, which is a pretty easy concept to grasp.

In any post where I see a poster's actions don't match up with their words or their bullshit story then I will point it out and I don't care if I'm the lone voice of dissent

That's not arrogant at all. You're not a "lone voice of dessent," you aren't a misunderstood hero, you aren't the smartest person here, you aren't the only one here who can see reason. But you wish you were, and you want everyone to think you are, and you aren't. You're literally just a prick who says people call him a prick because you're speaking the truth, but in reality you're a dick because you're just a shitty person, and that's all there is to you.

So, to just spent your time writing a post to me about how unworthy of your time I am. Hmmm...yeah, the logic checks out on that one. Please, tell me more about how you choose to spend YOUR time on the planet writing assumptive and rude posts to "assholes" on the internet.

I rather tell some person they are acting like an asshole and there be a small chance they change for any number of reasons than sit here and think about how you're an asshole.

Sorry you chose to have a shitty life, and be a shitty person. I don't care what you think, there's always a choice. You clearly made the wrong one and are bitter towards everyone else because of it. However that doesn't exempt you from being called out when you're being a fuck-bag, and you are being a fuck-bag.

As pointless as they are, downvotes really do show you if you're wrong/right/nice/a dick. In this case you aren't being downvoted because you're "the lone voice of dissent." You're being downvoted because you're a shitty person who said a shitty thing and wants to try to convince them-self that they are just misunderstood, and you aren't. We understand you perfectly...

/r/offmychest Thread