Our Son 'M14' wore a Gay Rights shirt to School and it wasn´t perceived well.

I'm currently dating a man so don't take this the wrong way, but the constant barrage of LGTBQ in such a loud manner makes it come off as being in rubbed in people's faces. We aren't oppressed anymore, in fact the complete opposite imo.

I mean I get REALLY pissed off when 'loud' gay men (obviously gay by their voice, mannerisms, use of language ('girl' let's make you look good)) refuse to believe I have sex with men.

And honestly, it's been overexposed as a movement especially to younger people. We have rights and need to take it down a notch. It's obnoxious. I really don't like most other members of the LGTBQ community for this reason.

They make their entire identity revolve around their sexual orientation.

/r/relationship_advice Thread