Over a hundred thousand in medical debt.

My dad is a well known financial advisor, this is what you're going to do. At the point you're at it seems that you should definitely file for bankruptcy but there's an alternative genius way. Create an LLC, limited liability company, it's simple just go to your local government and register anything as an LLC. Then you put ALL your assets including your home in that LLC. So now that LLC "OWNS" all of your assets, and nobody can ever take your house, money away from you because you don't "own" them the LLC does and even though in real life those things still belong to you! On paper they belong to the LLC. So when the debts gets too large and the hospital demand you pay or else they seize your assets they CANT because all your assets are in the LLC. Look at it as Google or Apple or any other large corporations, when they get sued nobody in particular gets sued! The COMPANY gets sued, and the company has different rights from a person. But since the medical debts belong t YOU and not the LLC you will create, nothing in that LLC will get taken away from you.

/r/personalfinance Thread