Overgearing For EZ Content

You don't need to be overgeared to do the content. You only need to be overgeared to join a group where everyone else is overgeared. If you're hoping to hope in to a group where everyone is 1445+ and get a free carry, then yeah you're out of luck. Don't try to join those groups.

I have 1400 alts and have no problems finding groups full of 1400 alts for argos. If there aren't any up, start your own group. It will fill in a couple minutes and you might even end up with some 1475 joining and carrying. Happens often enough on my alts.

Same story in Valtan normal. I have no problems joining groups full of other 1415 players. I see groups full of 1430-1440 players and I don't even bother applying. Look for a group filled with characters around your level.

/r/lostarkgame Thread