Overheard an Obese Co-Worker Trash Me For Doing a CICO Diet

It's dangerous to even dream like that, and I mean that in the kindest way possible.

In my fitness and health journey, I've learned that I will never see my clavicles. It still hurts to know that I'm always going to have selfies where I don't look thin because you can't see my clavicles. I'm always gonna be thick and I suppose the silver lining is I'm gonna have an amazing ass that you can see from space, but it was a huge wake-up call for me to be realistic when my trainer sat down with me and had a real conversation about my body. My thighs will always touch (unless I go the body-builder route, which isn't my personal goal), as well. No thigh gap and no clavicles for me, apparently.

I always wanted to be 150 lbs. Turns out, that for my body type, getting down that low is borderline dangerous. Lowest I should ever be is 160. I'm even considered perfectly healthy at 180 (which I still honestly can not believe).

I guess I'm just trying to say that women in general need to stay positive as well as realistic about their goals. I'm probably wording this all kinds of wrong and preaching to the choir, but I think me just typing it all out helped me.

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