The overwhelming global response to Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement was essentially, "Go jump in a lake" - or as one Germany tabloid succinctly phrased it in a widely circulated headline: "Earth to Trump: F*ck You!"

I love how everyone is suddenly acting as if leaving the Paris Agreement was a bad thing. Judging by the UNs own global warming predictions, it would've only delayed global warming in 2100 by 8 months. This shitty UN abortion child of a climate change agreement would cost 100 trillion approximately, with most of its implementation just being promised, and will be left to be acted upon by future leaders in the 2030s. So you're sacrificing a TON of resources, and using taxpayer money in the US and funneling it to third world countries with no environment regulations, because, guess what, just because you say "fossils fuels are bad m'kay" doesn't remove the demand for them. But yeah, leaving a 100 trillion dollar agreement that does jack shit, gives billions to third world leaders, removes industry from first world countries, and increases pollution rates in third world countries because demand was pulled from first world ones is such a terrible idea.

"Gosh guys this is LITERALLY going to ruin our environment guys I can't believe le drumpf would do this one"

/r/worldnews Thread Link -