Rant Wednesday

Unusual experience with a PT at my gym this week.

We normally say hello to each other. He's a very extroverted guy seemingly and says hello to everyone, laughing and dancing around and stuff.

Anyway, he came up to me and asked what I was doing. I said I'm doing overhead press and asked if he'd ever heard of a programme called 531 as thats what I'm doing.

He sorta hesitated before going "oh, 531 yeah. I haven't done it but I've heard of it."

I jokingly replied, "ahh you're bullshitting me. You ain't ever heard of it! Haha" and smiled.

He didn't like my joke I don't think. Straight faced he says, "I don't think you should be saying I'm bullshitting. I've been training for 10 years. How long you been training for? A few months? You shouldn't be saying I'm bullshitting."

I was like, "...I'm just playing".

Then he talked about diet and how diet is 80% and exercise programmes are just the little tweaks. He went on, saying, "you've been training for months now, what's the problem? Your diet?" I think perhaps trying to suggest that I'm not making progress, though for all I know he was being genuine.

Anyway, it might have hurt his ego to have someone smaller than him suggest there was a possibility he didn't know every single programme out there.

Why he mad?

/r/Fitness Thread