Parents of Reddit, how would you feel/react if your adult child told you they are depressed and suicidal?

I don't have kids, but I'm 26 years old and one night a few months ago I felt a bit of courage or something came over me where I just couldn't do it anymore but I couldn't end it because everyone was home but I needed the pain to stop...I told my mom I needed help, and if I didn't get it, I think I might eventually end my life (I didn't tell her it would have been in the near future cause I didn't think she could handle that).

For some reason I didn't weigh how my actions would affect my friends or family, and a fucked up part of me thought they would mourn me and move on, I'll be just another person who passed away (I'm so so sorry to the people reading this who have lost a loved one to suicide...I don't know why I felt this way). I couldn't believe how much pain she looked like she was in and I'm glad I told her, because I don't think she would have been as okay as I thought she would be if I went through with my plan. Obviously the feelings didn't go away right away, but I felt better I finally told someone...cause I never told anyone like that before.

/r/AskReddit Thread