Parents of Reddit, what are some of the more unfavorable aspects of parenting that non-parents would probably never think of?

So you get home from a long day, you know, providing the best you can for your kids. Dinner time already? You betchya. Spoonful by spoonful you handfeed your little cherub, don't worry, you'll get to eat your dinner later, it's not completely cold.

Bath time. You fill that shit making sure goldylocks would approve and undress the little one in preparation. Oh, they've shit everywhere. No problems, wipe that away the chunks and pop them in the bath. You then proceed to wash all the nooks and crannys, all the while theyre playing "the canoes filling up with water" game. You finish bathtime and wrap them up all nice and tight in their towel and head off to the bedroom for the fitting. You'll dry the bathroom floor later.

Almost there. Time to get them in their pyjamas. This is the part that gets me.

It's like, do they not know how much work I've done in the last 12 hours, all for them. Im actually living my life based around keeping you happy (I wouldn't have it any other way). But shit, I'm trying to get you all warm and snuggly for bed youre squirming around making a 2 minute dressing job into a fucking saga. And to top it off start crying and screaming as if daddy has morphed into Brock lesnar and is going full ground and pound.

It's like, "look what I am fucking doing for you right now! I'm putting you in the most comfortable of clothes so I can carry you to your bed and tuck you in and give you the bottle of liquid gold you love so much and kiss you on the head so you know you're in a safe and happy place and can drift off to sleep without a worry in the world! A little bit of fucking thanks is all I ask. Hell, not even thanks. Just shut the fuck up and stop death rolling so we can all relax and enjoy the last sliver of the day before it all starts again tomorrow". You can't say that though.

They're now in bed and if youre super lucky, they're asleep. They look so comfortable, so peaceful, so innocent. And you wonder how you ever lived without them before they entered your life.

Next minute it's 5:30am and its time to get the fuck out of bed. Don't get me started on that.

/r/AskReddit Thread