Patricia Arquette’s Academy Awards remarks explain why some black women don’t call themselves feminists

These articles are so frustrating. They seem absolutely ridiculous to me, but I'm afraid that if I express an opinion, then I'm going offend someone less privileged than me, so I'll just keep quiet, even though I consider myself to be pro-everyone's rights. I'm a white woman.

"Arquette mentions four groups: “women,” “all the men that love women,” “gay people,” and “people of color.” It’s clear that Arquette’s notion of “women” refers to straight white women." How on earth is this clear? This literally is taking a statement with good intentions and reading it in some overly literal way so as to find it most offensive. "By segmenting the last two groups in these comments, Arquette excludes queer white women, women of color, and queer women of color. Furthermore, Arquette claims “we” [white women] have fought for these people, and she insists that now these people must fight for “us” [white women]." By mentioning the last two groups in these comments, Arquette specifically highlights queer women, women of color, and queer women of color. I interpreted these remarks as, civil rights movement have focused on gay rights recently, there has been much discussion of the importance of racial equality due to recent events, and her intention is to remind us that the fight for gender equality continues to be ongoing, and not only straight women, but women within the lgbt community and women who are also people of color also need equality and could benefit from specific support from others within those communities. Her comments about garnering support from other minority groups highlight intersectionality. Maybe she could have worded it better, but it seems like such a stretch to be so offended by this particular set of comments that it just seems like it's better for anyone in any privileged group to not speak about these issues at all. Which, while I understand the importance of letting those in the minority groups be the primary voice, it seems unhelpful for those in relative power to ignore the issue for fear of making the of blunder Arquette seems to have made. She's a famous person who acknowledged issues of equality in a public forum. Now those issues are getting more discussion. That's good, right?

I genuinely hope i didn't offend anyone with these thoughts. I will probably continue to keep generally quiet on these issues in my non-reddit life except for when situations arise where I can be 100% sure I won't be accidentally shitting on a group that I'm intending to support.

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