Pauline Hanson, in letter to Prime Minister, calls for internment of Australian citizens.

Well it's pretty clear the judicial system is completely incompetent at both sentencing violent muslims and also letting them out early on parole when they shouldn't be. All of the muslims who have killed Australians in terror attacks have been known to police, on terror watch lists, have had prior criminal histories where they have received hopelessly light sentencing, and even when they have gone to jail, some judge has let them our on parole.

Eg Monis

Eg the guy who shot up that woman in Melbourne yesterday - long criminal history, our on parole after multiple judges had noted that he "shows no remorse and has no prospects at rehabilitation" and would actually be still in prison of his sentence had been enforced, and on top of that was actively on a terror watch list.

The judicial system has proved themselves incompetent at managing these violent people and at keeping the country safe, so we should move to other means i.e. deportation, so our idiot judges can't release dangerous people back into society.

If the judge who let that guy out on parole going to be held accountable for his incompetence? Of course not. Hope they can't get to sleep at night.

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