Pediatricians take aim at juice: It 'has no essential role in healthy, balanced diets of children'

Let me clarify.

Juice is tricky.

Juice can be VERY VERY healthy. It can be just as bad as soda.

The big IF is whether it has been pasteurized. Pasteurization is heating the juice, to high temperatures, to make it safe(by killing all contaminants/bacteria/viruses).

The problem is, this causes many of the Chemicals inside of the juice to change. Proteins become denatured. Much of the nutrients are lost due to the high heat. This kind of juice(which is 99% of the juice on the US market) is almost as bad for you as soda.

Then, there is fresh made, pulp-containing juice. This juice is JUST as healthy as fruit. If you filter the pulp out, it is no longer as healthy. Vegetable juice(which I'm sure they weren't thinking about) is very healthy, when unpasteurized... But once again, juices like V8 splash are pasteurized, and worthless.


1.) Pasteurization destroys nutrients of juice.

2.) Pulp is good for you

3.) Juice, and Fruit ARE the same thing, except juice often has pulp taken out, and pasteurization.

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