People that have defended your home against intruders, what is your story?

Perhaps a different take. I’m a guy and this was during college.

I woke up one night to a random guy sleeping on the floor of my bedroom. We didn’t have a party or anyone over - not that kinda house. I nonchalantly asked him what he was doing there and he seemed more confused than I was. He said "Kyle" told him he could crash here, though no one named Kyle lives in our house. I found the whole situation kind of funny and eventually guided him down the stairs and out of our shitty campus house, locking the door after he left.

Not long after that happened, someone else, maybe the same person, came into our house another night and a separate roommate chased him out. Took a while but we finally learned to lock our doors consistently. Fortunately we were all poor and had nothing much of value in the house!

The guy seemed like a drunk college kid at the time but who knows, maybe he was about to murder me

/r/AskReddit Thread