People that have defended your home against intruders, what is your story?

Not myself, but a friend’s neighbour.

Came back from his evening walk through the park to a young dude trying to pick the lock on his front door.

Stopping on the footpath outside his house, the 6 foot 4 absolute unit Polynesian neighbour stands backlit by the setting sun and the street lamps, and just says in a loud but calm voice “whatcha up to, bro?”

Would-be burglar turns around and sees a imposing silhouette of a man mountain standing there behind him, and tries to make a run for it across the garden, trips on the water meter and manages to break his wrist and ankle in the process.

The neighbour then drove the guy to the hospital himself and had a chat along the way. Turns out the guy was a bit autistic and really fucking into lockpicking as a hobby, when walking past saw that the guy had a particular model of door lock he’d always wanted to pick and couldn’t help himself. The neighbour noted down the model the guy quoted and checked it when he got home, sure enough he was telling the truth.

/r/AskReddit Thread