The People Harshly Judging BA Only 4 Hours After Release I Think Don't Understand What BA And The Annual Pass Are Meant To Do

This is not content.

If you're happy having garbage content trickled on you for a year then congratulations. If they throw a new emote at you each week I guess that's them showering you with content too?

The majority of people aren't going to thank Bungie for what is essentially a higher power level blind well and 5 RNG drops added to the already annoying pool of weapons.

They definitely avoided a content drought, they jumped right to content extinction.

Monstrous flop on their part. Especially from a PR point of view going from Forsaken resurrecting the game to Black Armory is like shaving down your prize winning show dog and trying to profit by selling it's hair at the dog show.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread