People and Islam (hoping to learn more)

I'm going to try to address every individual point, though i think more details are needed.

  • That is actually a very debatable topic in Islam. It is not the act of apostasy itself that requires punishment (be it execution or otherwise) but treason. Basically the same as espionage, which is also punishable by death in many countries. Suffice it to say that the reason this is debatable is because an apostate has the right to repent if they wish, and that takes away anyone's right to punish them for apostasy.

  • I'm assuming that you mean they require to be treated with their own especial laws. I think it is understandable if a believer wishes to be judged and by his own religion's law, but that doesn't mean they require everyone else be judged by these laws. Also this doesn't really apply to Islam or Muslims as a whole, but a certain group with their own opinion.

  • I don't really get this point, probably because you view Islam in a different way than me. Care to elaborate about what exactly you don't like about women's treatment?

  • As I said, I don't believe that anyone should be forced into laws they don't believe in. However, if a state or country (such as KSA) wishes to apply rules based on Islam, then that's up to government. Singapore for example bans gum, so like it or not, if you wish to reside there you must follow their laws.

  • Fun fact: Islam has compared searching for knowledge to fighting for your country. Both struggles are seen important. Another fun fact: the Prophet, when he acquired prisoners from war, offered them freedom for doing either of two things. Voluntarily convert to Islam, or teach ten Muslims how to read and write. Not to mention, it was during Islamic rule that many field of science and math expanded, for example Algebra. God himself beckons us to explore and understand more, as it will all eventually make you marvel at his creation.

I'm not so sure I addressed everything as much as I want to, so I will happy if you wish to discuss anything further. Do excuse me if my reply is however a bit late.

/r/DebateReligion Thread