Why do people often say "just let others live their lives" in reference to religions when a great deal of religions frown greatly upon just that?

I was talking with a Christian recently, and he said "if someone was blindfolded and walking towards a cliff, would you let them be or try and warn them"

This really gave me a new perspective.

This is a nice sentiment, but it's actually not as profound as it's designed to sound.

If you see someone walking towards a cliff blindfolded, of course you'll intervene, because we can observe and understand gravity and we know without a single doubt what will happen to that person if they fall. Even that person knows what would happen to them.

A religious person trying to "save" someone who doesn't believe the same religious shit that they do is just being an asshole. They THINK they know what will happen to that person if they let them keep walking (to continue the blindfolded person analogy), but they have no proof, no evidence, and no previous example to base their opinion on.

It's more like this... the religious person sees someone walking towards a cliff with a blindfold on, and has an urge to save them, but really this religious person is dehydrated in the desert and has seen a mirage. The cliff is only in their own mind and belief system. It's not really there at all.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread