People old enough to remember the September 11 attacks, what was the day like?

I've been coming back and forth 15 times. I had to keep coming back; The first 9 trips ended in failure. The first one? It was my first attempt at a plant, and it didn't go so well. I told the future Director of the Miami, Florida FBI office that He'd get accepted into Boston College, and that Tug McGraw would strike out Willie Wilson to win the World Series for the Philadelphia Philles in 6 11:29pm. I was too convincing; He pulled out 1/2 of his college fund without telling his parents, smeared it around Atlantic City, and wound up with two hundred thousand dollars and one day, an overdose. The next 2 kids were different. One I picked too young; at age 9 he told his parents about his friend at the park. He wound up in Counseling, destined to become addicted to sharing his feelings. I wound up in Jail for 2 weeks before I was able to escape. The 3 hour manhunt while I wound and twisted my way through town to my point of entry was nothing short of crazy. Being completely out of shape and afraid of excitement didn't help. The other simply called my prediction a great guess, along with the next three. I gave up on that bonehead. Three now-not current Agents-in-charge later, I got a keeper. Small kid, named Thaddeus. Kept to himself. Read lots of murder mysteries and comic books. The real straight-and-narrow type. In case you wondered, turning a future FBI agent at age 14 was pretty simple really. He went to the same Comic book store after school all the time. After boning up on my knowledge of Ironman (who knew it was originally based in Vietnam??), I got a job at and made friends with him. For a few months we just chatted. One day, I told him. I told him I was from the future, just like that...

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