People who have casual sex on the regular, how?

If you want to have the sex DO NOT do these things:

  • send unsolicited dick pics. You might appreciate receiving nudes out of the blue (who are we kidding, you never get nudes), but there is only one woman in a million who enjoys it and she is probably on crack. Don't be that desperate, which leads me to..

  • "hey", "hey, you there?", "hey, wanna have some fun" followed by "fuck you bitch" when she doesn't answer. Don't reek desperation. Learn to give up after the first "hey" (it should never be such a blant line in the first place, but HEY, you're not a pro) and NO, they do not want you to try harder!

  • be a fucking jerk overall. Have this as your mantra: never do or say anything to a woman that you wouldn't want to be said/done to you in prison


  • If you are more wittier than you are handsome, a poorly lit club isn't the place to be

  • Stop using fucking pick up lines! It didn't hurt her when she fell from Heaven, do you even hear yourself?!

  • Use your brain and compliment her on whatever else except her looks, a thousand men did it before you and she probably didn't forget. Notice the way she holds her glass and say how it's really feminine or some other shit.

  • STOP PEEKING AT HER BOOBS! The goal is to touch them later, you moron!

/r/AskReddit Thread