People who have "gone out for a pack of cigarettes" and never went back to your family, what happened after you left? (serious)

I was 16 days old when my dad left. both parents were in their 40s and it was a one night stand kind of a deal. My mom was able to get some child support from him but that was the only contact. I always thought I would get to meet my dad, and always wondered if it was my mom who never let me meet him, as she is an extreme control freak.i was able to contact my half sister on facebook when I was 13. He ended up dying a year later and I got to meet some family on that side that never new I existed. He fucked up in his will and wrote that his money be split between his kids(forgot to exclude me) and my sister made sure that I got a fair share and I ended getting enough money for a downpayment on a house so I was able to start my own family young. It is really neat getting to know that side of the family and hearing bits and pieces of my family heritage.

/r/AskReddit Thread