People who have had "friends" stab you in the back, what is the story?

I’m not sure if this is being stabbed in the back, I think it’s more of a betrayal but it ruined our friendship nonetheless.

Was best friends with this girl from age 5 to 15. We were both rebellious kids (doing drugs, drinking etc) but inseparable. We were attached at the hip. Her mom decides that we are no good for each other and she forbids my friend to hang out with me anymore. So a week later I go to my first party without her. I ended up doing drugs/chain smoking etc and ended up getting a massive blood clot in leg. After a week or so of my leg progressively swelling, and from being in agonizing pain, my father decided to bring me to a good hospital (not just the paediatrician who had no idea what was up). Anyways I had just made it in the Knick of time because the clot had started progressing to my lungs. After a couple of nights on IV medication, the doctors told my mother that I might not make it. I asked my mother to call my best friend and let her know the situation. She let her know. I ended up surviving obviously but I spent three weeks in the hospital with the first week fighting for my life. My best friend never called, never came to see me, nothing. I went back to school once I was let out, found her and told her everything. All she said was “oh yeah, I heard.” We still ended up hanging out sporadically but that was ultimately the end of our friendship. That was 14 years ago, I still go and hang out with her every now and again but it’s just not the same, too bad.

/r/AskReddit Thread