People who leave their carts in the middle of the parking lot after grocery shopping, why do you do it?

I feel like society doesn't give a shit about me and 60% of people are degenerates barely worthy of life, this country gets more pathetic by the day and noone cares, so why should I give a shit enough to put back my shopping cart?

If a critical mass of people actually cares about cleaning up the trash from this diseases society, let me know and you have my full support - but it's not going to start with shopping carts.

Du siehst sie täglich demonstrieren, wenig Taten, viel Gebrüll

Gegen Atomkraftwerke, gegen Gift und Sondermüll

Nach einer saubren Umwelt behaupten sie zu streben

Aber dieser Michel Friedmann immernoch am Leben...

/r/AskReddit Thread