People who live in apartments, do you ever believe that your neighbors might be hiding a dark secret?

Actually, about a month ago....maybe two....this situation came to light.

My neighbors right next to me, they're a little older. Very quiet. Don't hear too much from them and they're shy. I've never had any complaints about them and never heard any complaints from them

Anyway, I had just gotten off from work. It was late and I was exhausted. I didn't sleep the night before for whatever reason. I took a quick shower and got into bed. I got a loud banging on my door. I panicked a bit because who would be at my door at 1 or 2am and I was half asleep already. I look out and there are cops. When I opened the door they apologized profusely for having the wrong apartment. Asked me a few questions and quickly went next door. I heard, through the walls, a lot of crying and anger.

Fast forward to the next day, police tape is there and I heard yelling. The wife was yelling and crying. The daughter, nowhere to be seen. I didn't think much of it.

Days later, no more police tape but a professional carpet cleaning company is there. Next night, more cops. Asking more questions to me about them.

Turns out the husband is an abusive prick. The daughter came home past curfew and he beat her. Why hadn't I heard anything? Why didn't I ever hear yelling or crying before? Wtf? Apparently, this has been going on for so long that the wife and daughter just stopped screaming for help and learned to be silent. Silence made it not so bad. The daughter is still in a rehab center, he really beat her bad. I don't know every detail but just that there was a lot of blood and damage. The guy is in prison and the wife's brother moved in to help. Her husband is in jail and now it's even more quiet over there. The brother is weird. He makes me uncomfortable.

The wife is a little more friendly, I've talked with her a bit. I volunteer for abuse victims as an advocate. I've been in her shoes. I've seen her at the shelter and I've reached out as much as I can. I know, once her daughter is released, they'll leave. I hope they find peace and safety. There's more to it, but ongoing investigation and I don't really want to reveal more of what went on in there.

/r/AskReddit Thread