People who live where the air hurts their faces, why do you live where the air hurts your face?

Did you miss the part where I literally lived in a tent the entire time? Oh, and I was evicted from my apartment. My phone was shut off for nonpayment.

So say I didn't have parents, cool.

1) I really should have sold all my shit - I would've had more money. I don't need any of the stuff at my parent's

2) If you don't have a job I can't help you

3) Yes I had a car. Car is kind of required. I know plenty of people who make it work without if you live somewhere with public transportation or live at work as I did in my line of business. Car can be a $1500 clunker, doesn't matter. The car was uninsured and unregistered part of the time, only recently got that locked up

4) Phone is not required, it was just something I wanted to spend money on, my current phone was free and the plan is $40/month

5) Yup, also not required. Get a map

6) I stayed with 2 friends, I planned to camp but it was cold and I had the money so I stayed in hotels instead. You can also just sleep in your car

7) Also not required, I got clothes at Goodwill, I wish I hadn't done this as now I have too many clothes

8) NOPE!! I have shitty credit. I don't have a lease or a deposit.

9) Nobody has nothing. And if you have nothing, GREAT! Even easier to just pick up and take off.

You're super negative and that sucks for you. Changing your life is hard, but ANYONE can do it. I was broke, literally could not feed myself, homeless, unemployed, homesick, and made it work. If you don't want to, fine, but that's a CHOICE.

I didn't think I could do it either. Turns out I could.

Only one way to find out! And hint - it's not sitting on your ass whining.

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