People who have ordered a Prostitute/Escort/Stripper and the person turned out to be someone you know, how did it turn out?

I went to a really trashy live nude jerk off booth place a few times when I was about 20. It was a gross little dark building where you'd go in and buy some tokens then walk back to a private stall that had a woman behind a glass barrier. There was a phone on the wall to talk. Kind of like what you see in movies when they visit people in prison. When you put a token in the light comes on on her side and the phone starts working.

About the third time I went it was a girl I knew from high school but hadn't seen since. It was awkward for me but she seemed happy to see me. I asked if she was still with the guy she was dating senior year and she said she was. She said he thought she was just working in lingerie and guys could just peek threw a hole in the wall. He didn't know it was full nude.

We caught up on our lives for a minute or two and then she asked what I wanted her to do. I said I was nervous and she said something like, "you want to see my butthole, right? Most guys do, it's ok."

I laughed and said, "yes, please." She obliged, I was done in about 30 seconds, she laughed and we wished each other well and that was that.

/r/AskReddit Thread