People who go out of their way to tell religious people they’re wrong are doing the right thing

You tout religion as being anti-scientific and you degrade people's belief in a higher power. You must be aware that many scientific advancements over the years have been made by scientists (that's right, scientists) who were well spoken when it came to their belief in a higher power. Without their religious beliefs and innate desire to observe and document the laws of nature, science would not be where it is today. Likewise, it is still the norm to be a scientific scholar and to be a firm believer in God. There is no conflict between the two. There are atheists who oppose abortion; their reasons are very valid because they coincide with the scientifically proven fact that life begins at conception and that it is immoral to kill a child in the womb. If these so called "science before God" people are more intellectual than believers, why do they still struggle to accept science and sound morality when it comes to an issue like abortion? That is a prime example of cherry picking

/r/unpopularopinion Thread