People who have re-read a diary/journal you've written in the past, what's the most jarring thing you read?

A song about my cat, Fresca- yes i still have it, let me go get it

Fresca is a kitty cat who knows much skills from all her scat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat First she goes to the store to buy some liquor Then she goes outside to scat all over her bride Then she goes to the litter box to take a giant poo And finds herself in a train choo choo She tries to tell the captain to take her back home But he would not listen so she started to just kick him Still he wouldnt listen so she went to the kitchen She started to eat pears and then found a bunch of cookies squares Nom non nom she ate mmm those cookies weren't to hate Now thats the story full of glory and Fresca found a date

I think I was 6?

/r/AskReddit Thread