People who have visited the UK, what was your "WTF UK?" moment?

When I was 18 I flew out to the UK by myself to spend a few weeks exploring around. I met up with a buddy I'd been chatting with online for a few years and he took me to a small gathering at a friend's house.

It wasn't even a huge party or anything. Just a small group of friends sharing a "few" drinks and shooting the shit. It was pretty relaxed. After a while I noticed that they didn't seem to ever stop drinking. I'd had enough to be comfortably drunk but I wanted to keep up with my new English friends so I kept drinking right along with them. They'd offer a drink and I'd take it. I even accepted the sambuca they all seemed to love so much even though I HATE the taste of anything with anise.

I've never been that drunk, before or since. That's not bad thing either because I've also never been so sick from alcohol. The next 48 hours were spent trying to stay as motionless as possible in a bed because even the slightest movements would give me a case of the spins that would take an hour to get rid of. Even wiggling my toes somehow caused me to get the spins. It was nonstop spinning and vomiting.

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