People who went from being extremely lonely to having a great social life, what changes did you make?

Over the course of a few years, I really changed my personality. I made a conscious effort to be nicer and more fun to be around.
A lot of this was from observing and copying what other, more social people were doing. I tried to avoid talking about depressing subjects (like my life lol). This attracted a lot of people to me and people actually want to be my friend now. I'm a big believer in faking it till you make it - take baby steps, learn from your mistakes, be open to changing your outlook on life.
I can elaborate if anyone is interested. I went from having no friends, spending every day inside alone on 4chan (not kidding) to being invited to parties, on holidays, and once having been described by a good friend as "the life of the party".

/r/AskReddit Thread