Permanently banned from /r/europe for posting on /r/subredditCancer

Since apparently PM's cut off after a certain length (I think, at least it's obvious only a third of my PM was actually sent) I'll re-post it here.

Meta comments are not allowed on /europe. You knew that - you're not a new user and we've been enforcing and creating awareness about that rule especially much the last few days. Yet you still posted four clear meta comments within the space of ten minutes, the last one being particularly abrasive and trollish. You didn't do that by accident.

Instead of dealing with that in an adult way, and the way the subreddit tells you to deal with it (i.e. contact the mod team), you then proceeded to post a witch-hunting thread on /subredditcancer about it, calling me out by name and offering a false reason as to why you were banned; ànd PM-inging me instead of the entire mod team by replying to your ban message. Your ban was then made permanent.

Instead of, again, responding to that by maybe figuring it's time to do thing by the rules; you posted another witch-hunting thread offering false information as to why you were banned to /europemeta, where it is clearly stated in the sidebar that /europemeta isn't for ban appeals.

Yet, I still started up the ban appeal process to have your ban scrutinized by the mod team (where I abstained by the way) - where the majority of the mod team decided and voted that the reasons for your ban (both the initial temp ban and the permanent one) were justified and your ban would be neither lifted or reduced. You proceeded to respond by that by posting another witch-hunting thread on /subredditcancer, PM the other mods of /europe with further whining, ànd following me to completely unrelated subreddits (/belgium) in order to accost me about this there. Frankly it's bordering on harassment.

Frankly you've dug your hole yourself. I never treated you in a way to incite you to this behaviour, in fact I never said anything to you besides "you know what you were doing" and by telling you I'd start up a ban appeal process for you. Your claims that any of this is a personal vendetta or 'abuse of power' are frankly flabbergasting, because I don't think we've ever had a conversation and I frankly don't even know anything about you.

Since you seem to be passionate about posting in /europe, though, let me propose a deal. Your original ban was for 30 days - contact me in 30 days - I assume you'll have cooled down some by then - and we'll talk it over and see if we can put this behind you and restore your posting privileges on /europe. Can we agree to that?

/r/subredditcancer Thread