Commenter on r/tinder accuses OP of having double-standards for sleeping around but avoiding girls who do the same. Is promptly called a white knight and all his posts sent to downvote oblivion.

Because for a lot of men this is one of the things that you feel left out on if you didn't get the education in high school/carried on into college.

I feel that way sometimes, living in a small town and being in the military for 4 years plus another 2 for transition time and getting back on my feet and I feel very isolated. I'm doing a Research program and living at a University over the summer and even though school is not in session it is very different. It is easier to find people who have healthy habits and fall in with them, there are single women around who don't know all the same people you do(this is huge).

If you don't live near a city/college or go to college and are college aged, and live in relative technological isolation(small town) then stuff becomes hard. I'm just learning now really how to use OKC and tinder and even with photos and work on my profiles it's still hard.

Returning from my ranting I really think the biggest thing is that if you don't learn this shit in middle/high school or from parents and become isolated, learning how to deal with the opposite sex becomes really hard by virtue of there being no schools/training wheels/institutions to help a person who wants to learn, add a dash of anxiety that is amplified due to making one a forced autodidact that now sees interaction as scary.

It's really easy to think that if a girl rejects you as a creep in a noisy bar, which you feel like because you have no idea what you are doing and assume you are awkward and unattractive due to shitty self-esteem, and that best case you get a polite no, worst you get called a creep and there are stereotypical bar bros who are going to jump in to defend the poor woman, because isolation makes one a shitty bitter judge of other humans. On top of all this as the isolation goes on the anxiety gets worse since it feels weird being 26 and being a broke college sophmore when there are 22 year old women who are going into grad school and plenty successful and there are plenty of successful men the same age, which is once again a twisted view of people brought on by isolation.

I'm glad I'm transferring here in the fall, I don't know if I could handle going back to being alone, I like having friends who want to do something besides getting trashed all the time.

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