tl;dr:**90% here have deppresion,please comment!!

Hi mate, I very very rare comment posts here but I was in the same situation as you were couple of years ago. I was seeing psychiatrists and they all had the same receipe: its anxiety/social phobia/depression => take this this and this. I was on paroxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline, took huge amounts of benzos like: xanax, clonazepam, diazepine etc. etc.

It was when I was... 20 years old? All I can tell you: I WAS EXTREMELY fucked up. After 2 years of struggle, taking this chemical shit I was even more destroyed then before it. I was emotionally numb, this meds just made me feel anhedonic. No up, no down, just very, very numb middle mediocrity. And this is not how life should looks like right? We have to learn to deal with stress, with emotions, with pain, with happiness etc. Its a learning process. I was addicted to porn and drugs for many years and when normal people were learning these activities, you and me were fapping or cracking as a runaway from problems which people deal with and do it successfully and with no such effort !

So what I did - I quit this shit, I told my docs to go fuck themselfes (watch couple of documentaries about pharmaceutical industry - its corrupted as fuck, all this antidepressants is a fucking scam, seriously this should be strictly prohibited!). I took the world in my own hands. Ofcourse if you are on this meds for longer period - you cant just quit them. Withdrawals are horrible and it is the best proof that this whole "treatment" is making you even more desenensitize to the outside world. I seriously felt like I was walking inside a bubble, which was protecting me from everything and when this bubble dissapeared man.. that hurt. So it was a painfull experience, I was at the 2 year of university, with not so good results, no future, not a lot of money, not so good physical appearence. But I started implementing changes and it was a process. I quit drugs, start learning a little bit more, start exercising, change my diet, tried to LEARN how to live as a normal person. And it was hard, I cried, I screamed, I wanted to go back to old habits, but I have never ever considered going back to antidepressants because I know what they did to me and I know what they did to others and I know that after you quit them - you are going back to hell even more than you were before you started.

Now I am.. 4 years ahead, I work in a top firm in my area, I graduated with the highest score (yep, my GPA was near 3,5 because of previous low results but on the last 2 years I was scoring only A's and my thesis was so good, that they decided to graduate me with the top result). I am training 6x a week, my shape is so fucking good I am considering trying Ironman. I learned how to deal with people, how to talk with them, how to response to stressful situations, how to take advantage from failures. But it was a painful process and you need to go through it. There are no shortcuts. Now people who didt see me for couple of years cant belive that I earn so much, that I have engeneering diploma with the top score, that I am in so fucking good physical shape - you should see their faces. But again - it was hell of a struggle. And if someone ask me "how you did it?" I answer them - well, not like many doctors said I should. I belive that if someone has a clinical depression, I mean when you cant get up from bed in the morning - then xanax may help you with a first steps to start normal living. But unless you lost all your family in an accident or you was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer - doctors should be jailed for prescribing this meds for young males, who struggle with porn. So my advice is - try to slowly quit those drugs, think about changing your lifestyle, fight with addictions and slowly learn how to live a normal life. It wont be easy, you will scream to the fucking moon but at the end of this road - you will have a normal, stable, peacefull life, and you will have a really healthy brain. And SSRIs will only cause you harm by supressing your receptors and you dont want to know how bad it is to quit SSRis after 2 years of taking them. IT IS FUCKING NIGHTMARE. And being on them was a nightmare too because I felt fake. The whole world around me felt fake. People were telling me "shit you behave strange mate, you sometimes talking bullshit like you never said before". And this is basically what you do, you are becoming a walking zombie who is numb to the world and who is just responding, not feeling. So again - if you have some trauma or very hard situation - thats another story. But if you just suffer from anxiety, you are akward around womens etc. just stop fucking fapping, go on the gym, quit internet and go outside AND LEARN how to deal with it. And if you want to take a xanax to do it.. then this road at the end is something I dont envy you.

And take my words fucking seriously because I was in 110% same situation as you were, and I am proud and happy where I am today and I wish that I had a father or friend who could told me everything I told you today. Good luck and remember about taking good decisions in your life because once you fuck up your brain with years of antidepressants usage it is really no other way, they are designed to be with you whole your life, thats how industry works. I was junking with many of my friends who are now walking door to door from one psychiatris to another, desperatly seeking for another prescription. And all they have to do is to deal with they fucking problems. What a sad story.

/r/NoFap Thread