[Phillip Horton] Organisers of the Russian Grand Prix say there were approximately 30,000 visitors to Sochi Autodrom on each day of the race weekend

This is great to see things resembling normality again. The world can begin to run again. I’m not suggesting we stop social distancing, wearing masks or increased hygiene, I’m just saying lockdowns need to only be applied to those at risk of dying from the disease, not the 99.9% rest of us. Most borders are still completely locked down, people cannot be with their loved ones. People can not see their family on their death beds. People are becoming bankrupt. People are committing suicide or having severe mental health issues as a result. A vaccine is around the corner. Rapid testing is already available to us with amazing accuracy. Let’s get the world turning again without increasing the risk to those susceptible, it CAN be done.

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