Please accept that you won't win every games

lol, if only it was just a loss streak. My games have been like this for months.

Lets say I'm playing xin zhao, my ahri is pinging for a gank and types in chat "gank pls". I ping I'm on my way, I get there, I tell her "charm and free kill", she does nothing for a few seconds, she moves up like she's going to do something, I go in, start attacking the zed, he ults me, lands his combo and I die. The whole time ahri had just run away and was waiting under turret until i died, then went back to farming. This is so common in my games that I've pretty much stopped ganking unless I can 100% get the kill for myself, which usually ends up with teammates flaming because I don't gank and then they afk.

No, I don't only remember the bad, I watch about 70% of my games replays. Tell me, if that's not being enough of an asset, what should I be doing other than doing all I can to help my team secure a lead on the enemy team? If I'm not supposed to be doing that, then yeah, I guess I've been doing it wrong.

I had a darius flame me yesterday because he said the reason we lost was because I waited until level 6 to roam top as Ahri. He died 14 times that game. I died 3 times. I had 9 kills. My bot lane died 22 times combined. 12 and 10 deaths. My jungler was 3-7. That game lasted about 45 minutes, so I'd actually consider it one of my better games recently, as far as losses go.

When we win, it's just because my teammates die less than 10 times, and I carry.

I have no idea what to do when I have 4 people with combined 35 deaths almost every game. I've played 9 games today. I've won one of them, because I went 22-1 as fizz. My teammates still all fed hard, but we won because the enemy zed tilted and afk'd. That was lucky.

All of the others, I didn't die more than 4 times and didn't get less than 10 kills.

I'm usually the only one trying to get objectives on my team. Too many times my adc or whoever will just chase a full hp support into the enemy jungle with no vision and die because he wasn't alone. What do I do in these games? If an answer exists, I will skyrocket up the ladder if I figure it out. Because that's how 99% of my games turn into losses.

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