WIBTA for abandoning a safe space group I made for women?

Hey guys, I just got another message from her. It goes as follows,

"Hello OP, thank you for making the group, it's just got a few changes I need you to make. I know you said it's my group, but you made it so you also have an obligation, and you should've known that when you offered to help. First, I know you said it's automatic, but if you can somehow disable the request system in the app, that would be great. (I could literally be banned from the app) Second, can you set up an email chain with all the women? Third, please make me head admin and you the co, because it's my group after all. Also, I noticed that you're still in high school (it's on my profile) and this could be a great opportunity for you to meet new people. (strangers...) Could we meet up sometime and talk more about how we can grow the group? (I'm literally in school, in an upcoming theater production. she knows this) What if we met at (location) at (time, day)? We could have some lunch and talk about how we'll run the group together. I could get a reservation, and we could both pitch in some money to buy some lunch, maybe like $40? (what the hell that's a shit ton of money for just lunch) Let me know if you're free that time (hell no)."

What should I say??

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread