AITA for confronting my step sister and calling her a b**ch?

Yeah I was definitely the A for the way I retaliated. Whenever I’d actually talk to her in a mature, adult-like manner, she would ignore me. So at this point, I’m trying to get my point across the only way she seems to understand. I am definitely minimizing myself by acting younger than my age but nothing else seems to work. Even when I mind my own business. My bf even told me that I don’t need to cause any extra chaos by opening the drawers but I mean they’re already always open anyways so I didn’t listen lol.

I replied to another person that I do already have a lock but my dog likes to come into my room a lot when I’m not home bc it’s his only place in the house. Nobody else likes to interact with him much except for my dad who sleeps during the day because he works nights.

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