Please allow Lucio to be able to boop Mercy mid-air to add some counter play to her flying to rez bullshit when playing as Lucio.

Why does nobody seem to realize before the invincibility buff, she was still able to get her ult off in all of the same situations she is now. The ONLY difference is she can't be killed immediately after she has res'd. A few seconds of invulnerability are nothing to cry over. Before, if she was killed while ressing, the ult still went off but she was able to die. It's not like her ult is unstoppable now. She just has a small chance to survive after it's used to keep healing her team. Mercy is not impossible to kill. "But she's just hiding and waiting to press Q" then find her. There aren't many spots to hide. Or better yet, don't use 6 ultimates to kill 5 people. All you need is one or two saved ultimates and you can wipe everyone after they have been resurrected. The problem is that nobody wants to coordinate and everyone is just focused on killing as many people as possible. Everyone wants to complain that something is "bullshit" because they aren't smart or skilled enough to prevent it or deal with the aftermath. But of course admitting they messed up can be damaging to someone's fragile ego.

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