Please ban me. Justify it for me.

Sorry in advance, but this is going to be preachy.

I'm not trying to guilt you into staying alive, because whatever higher power there may or may not be knows that that can lead to more hatred of one's self, but I want you to know that you matter to me. I don't know you, you don't know me, but life is sacred and you only really know this one life right now.

Whatever is going on will pass; it might get rough, or rougher sometimes, but that's all going to pass. Everything is temporary. Sure, so is happiness, but so is sadness, anger, anxiety, stress, and depression.

Now, I don't know what you believe in, so I'm not going to make a theological argument, just one that rings true to all. You matter. You are an amazing person that can be even better. What is now and what has been does not define you. You have potential to be who you want to be, and learn a way of accepting who you are in the now.

Please, do not die any time soon.

Again, sorry it's so preachy. I just want you to be a bit better than bad.

/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Thread Link -