Please help 23yo female struggling to gain, and people around me think i am being silly for wanting to.

i will when i have time thank you. It was convoluted. I don't know how to get my point across. I agree with confused and unfocused. that is how i feel right now. but how is that selfish? i don't understand.

i never paid too much attention to exactly what in put in my mouth until now. and It is not about the weight.

I didn't care how much I weighed. I'd only weigh myself when someone makes me do it, my PT, a friend etc. as long as i liked the way i look it doesn't matter what weight i was. Honestly, it wasn't until recently when my body really cyanged that i started weighing myself. i don't want to be a particular weight. i wouldn't have even noticed the loss if it wasn't for the very noticable difference. I didn't follow a specific diet. I literally eat wtv i want, or what my bf wants me to make for him but instead of me going out to buy say microwavable lasagne i just make it from scratch. buying premade gets really expensive, and i also love cooking. I always loved food and cooking i just couldnt be ass before.

counting calories is a great idea. but for me it is hard to do coz carrots and beef from the butcher doesn't have calories at the back. I can't just flip to the back and check. But you are right i will try harder.

I use to have a PT, when i gymed. he s seen my food diary. he says there is nothing wrong with it. he does say i should eat more if i want to do a lot of cardio but otherwise it is not worrying. My food taste is just coz how i was raised. growing up my grandmother cooked really clean food, not a lot of far, oil, butter, lots of fish and vegetables. and that is the kind of food i like and cook as well. I don't really like the taste of greasy food, or certain carbs.

You don't know me, so please don't tell me to simply just eat more. I eat normal portions. I eat all sorts of things. One night i might not have carbs but lunch the next day i'm having penne arabiata. and i just don't like snacks. like crisps and choclates etc. i don't crave it. I would eat desert after a meal, like a brownie with ice cream but i won't ever go out and buy a mars bar. I love food. and that is why i cook. i just only eat in meal time. how is that wrong? should i go back to eating takeaway all the time? and i guess if i had no food in the house and just crisps i ll eat them. should i do that instead?

You've missed my point. i guess that is partly my fault. I should have explain myself better and will edit this later. It is not at all about the weight. I use the weight,bmi, fat percentage as an indicator to understand the changes which have been going on. to track it. etc coz it is concerning me. it is not about want any specific weight, or body type at all.

If i got here by working hard, and eating right etc i would be so ecstatic. But do u understand my concern when i feel like this is not in my control therefore it is scary. I am concerned whether it is a health issue. I am thinking about getting my thyroid functions checked. but i was hoping to see some comments if that might be the case before trying to go see a doctor which will cost money and time, and annoying to set up to get to a specialist. If people don't think it is a concern, then suggest how i can maintain this at the very least then i wouldn't mind either. I do like my body now as well. it is different from my normal pref. but i could learn to love it. but what i mean is i don't want to get any smaller. cloth size are becoming a problem. it is inconvenient when i shop.

i think i did come off the wrong way. i am the last person to care about whether the people around me think i'm too fat, or too skinny. I've always been happy with my body regardless of what weight, size, shape, i was. Their comments are only hurtful because to me it is a genuine concern, which they are just dismissing. my best friend in h.s had an eating disorder. people dont think being "too thin" is a real problem until u get really bad then they notice. I am not comfortable with the changes to my body right now. I just want to hear some opinions. Whether this is ok. etc. or this is a real health problem which i should fix?

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