Please have a little more faith in Sombra.

people has faith in sombra.

people don't have faith in YOU.

Always give your teammates' off-meta picks a chance.

considering most off meta heroes require a decent amount of skill to be effective on and people are just random players.

most players are not willing to risk losing the game so a random person can "prove he/she can be useful" on an off meta hero they most likely will not be able to play effectively.

you think people like wraxu was automatically worshiped as a hanzo player?

hell fucking no.

he probably broke his back PROVING to his teammates that he can play hanzo effectively.

you want to play sombra?

then PROVE to people you can actually play her.

A Sombra main-in-training who'd love to not have a winrate of 38% because of instant throwers that prevent me from playing a hero I'm good at

your win rate is not because your team threw games. because the enemy team runs into the same problem you are having. people who throws games. so it evens out. you most likely won that game when the enemy team had the throwers.

its always said:

the enemy team has the same chances of running into a bad team. just like you. IF YOU ARE NOT THE BAD TEAMMATE. you have 5 chances of bad teammates. the enemy team has 6.

just saying. you are the sombra player with a 38% win rate

think about that. or don't. because on this subreddit its never your fault. blame everybody else.

/r/Overwatch Thread